How to easily fill out an online form for a driver’s license

Online application for driver’s license (smart driving license) has been open since Tuesday after 9 months. Quotas will be available on Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays based on biometric dates. You can apply within that quota.

However, after a long time, many people have applied to open the form. Due to which, there is a problem of not opening the online site of the Department of Transport Management. The department has stated that work is being done to solve the problem.

According to the department, under the quota, a total of 200 people will be able to apply online daily from one office on 100 motorcycles, 50/50 scooters and four-wheelers.

However, due to lack of information on how to apply online, some of us have to pay Vichalia for the application. So here we are giving you procedural information on how to apply for a driver’s license online.

How to apply online

To do this, first  open the Department of Transportation’s website ( . Click on the ‘Online Driver’s License System ‘ link in the ‘Important Links’ section on the right side .

Clicking there will open a new window. Click on ‘Online Driving License Registration’ written in blue at the top .

Then in the new window ‘Citizenship’ select Nepal and apply for New License and click on ‘Proceed’.

Clicking on ‘Proceed’ will open the form there. The required information is filled in the form (and the ‘category’ and ‘mobile number’ fill, not even once to adjust the timetable.) At the end of the ‘submit’ click.

When you fill out the online form and click ‘submit’ . Then, if you fall within the specified quota, your online form will be accepted by the department’s system. If you do not fall within the quota, the department will notify you that the quota has been met for today and your form will not be accepted.

If the form is accepted, you have to print the filled paper and keep it with you. The paper mentions the time for your biometric.

You must arrive at the relevant transportation office within the stipulated time with the application form for biometrics, your citizenship and other documents.

Biometric involves taking photographs of the applicant and taking fingerprints. You will also receive information from the office on the day of your written test.

If you fail the written test, you will not be able to fill out another form for 90 days.

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